Wedding season is nearing so it's best to start your planning, giving yourself plenty of time to get organized and to keep track of all the processes when it comes to your wedding stationery.
I know that there are
many steps to the process and many pieces to keep in mind when thinking
of your wedding stationery. There are save the dates, invitations,
enclosures, menus, programs and thank you cards etc. It can get overwhelming. So I’ve put together
this wedding stationery timeline that will hopefully make it easier for
you to plan your wedding stationery. A couple of big questions I always get are
‘When do I send everything out?’ and ‘What do I write on my wedding
invitation?’ So, I’m excited to share this fabulous and fun
timeline that you should totally print out and keep in your back pocket.
How helpful is that?!
Next week: invitation wording tips, I'll tackle the ‘What do I write on my wedding
Wedding Stationery Timeline |